Tree and Fertilization Services in Minnesota

The health of your trees depends on the health of your soil. When trees grow in a forest, decomposing organic matter perfectly meets their nutrient needs. When planted in a landscape, the roots of turfgrass under trees compete for water, nutrients, and space.

In the urban environment of the Minneapolis & St. Paul metro area, trees often lack access to natural fertilization. They must rely on supplemental nutrients from tree fertilization to reach their full potential. One of our ISA Certified Arborists will evaluate all factors that impact your trees’ health and make tree fertilization recommendations for your trees and shrubs based on their species and growing environment. Schedule a consultation today!

healthy green canopy of elm tree
tree technician applying fertilizer around birch tree in front yard

What can you expect from our custom tree fertilization service?

Nutrient needs vary significantly across the country based on weather, soil composition, and local tree and shrub species. That’s why the experts at Rainbow Treecare partnered with Doggett Corporation, a national tree fertilizer expert, to develop a customized fertilizer blend for the Twin Cities’ unique conditions. We utilized hundreds of soil samples from the Minneapolis metropolitan area, along with our knowledge of common trees in the region, and Doggett’s high-quality ingredients to formulate perfect nutritional support for your trees and shrubs.

Custom blends specific to the needs of your tree

We inject our professional-grade suspension fertilizer blends below the soil surface so that your tree roots get the maximum benefits–not your lawn or plants. The slow-release fertilizer binds to the soil and delivers nutrients as needed for two years after application. Your tree fertilization services will include one of these custom blends best suited to restore the nutrients in the tree’s soil:

  • Tree Nutrition Maintenance Formula
  • Tree Nutrition Pro-Growth Formula
  • Tree Nutrition Chlorosis Blend
  • Tree Nutrition Chlorosis Blend + Nitrogen

Did you know? Trees growing without competition from grass grow five times the volume of roots in a given area than trees with grass growing around them.

SOURCE: Dr. Gary Watson, Morton Arboretum

Why choose the experts from Rainbow Treecare?

We are Minnesota’s premier licensed and insured tree experts. With over 45 ISA Certified Arborists on staff, we are highly skilled in assessing and performing the services that enhance the health and longevity of your trees. Many factors contribute to a tree’s overall health, including site-specific concerns such as nutrient levels or compacted soil. Our tree experts will address the bigger picture to provide the best treatment outcomes. Additionally, one of our core values is safety. You can rest easy knowing our team will perform all services while taking every precaution to keep our staff, bystanders, and your property safe.

Additional frequently asked questions about tree fertilization

Proper fertilization of your trees allows for optimal health, and healthy trees are naturally more resistant to most insects and diseases. Trees growing in a forest have a steady supply of undisturbed organic matter. Unfortunately, landscape trees often need more nutrients due to a lack of decomposing organic matter, poor quality soil, and competition from neighboring plants, including turf.

Schedule your tree fertilization service today!

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